Wednesday 12 January 2011


Well, I did it!


I feel so good for it. Loved all the new music.

Not every album is one I will return to 100 times. But the few gems and new discoverys were well worth it.

Most importantly. I have achieved what i set out to do. I am now listening to more music than I was and I have a better appreciation of music, and feel wiser for it.

I will continue the new music (I have a stack of CDs to work through and an Amazon wish list even bigger), but this blog is going to stop. I am glad I cataloged (at least for my own reference) my years albums. But the blog has been more work than i thought. Finding the time for it has felt like a chore most of the time.

I am loving so much music now, I have found something new, something old something borrowed and something gold.